the report fake news. >> are you discussing nuclear options? >> no, i never discussed it. that was just fake news by nbc, which gives a lot of fake news. no, i never discussed. i think somebody said i wanted ten times the nuclear weapons we have right thou. right now we have so many nuclear weapons. i want them in perfect condition, perfect shape. that's the only thing i've ever discussed. i want modernization and total rehabilitation. it's got to be in tiptop shape. >> again, today's story is about the u.s. nuclear arsenal, easily the most fearful single power of the presidency. it's a topic candidate trump talked about a fair amount in the years before taking office. >> do you have oo priority? because i want to go to senator rubio after that. >> i think nuclear, just the power and devastation is very important to me. look, nuclear should be the off the table. >> when you said that, the whole