asked. it depends on the poll. but kaepernick's action and those who have followed him have always polled poorly. the majority of americans are against what kaepernick and his fellow players have done in demonstrating against the anthem. this is something that's common in racial protests and sports racial protests. ali was not popular in his time. 23% of the american public was in favor of martin luther king's may march on washington the day before it happened. it's a winner in the moment. people judges people like keeper nick well. if i come out after all this happened with vice-president pence, jones came out today and said he would punish a player who kneeled. i want to talk about this instead of the fact my sport is killing people, causing brain injuries, causing suicides. that is a loser. this unfortunately is a political winner. >> saying nothing of the 0-5 new york giants. hey, philip. >> another topic. >> the president tweeted tonight a big salute to jerry jones, owner of the dallas cowboys who