chanting "you cannot replace, we will not be replaced". >> where was this? thinking was in charlottesville. and that happened just this saturday night again. we didn't hear a statement. in charlottesville this saturday night. >> wow. what do you make of that? what do you make that karine is representing a point of view that people are not happy with the way the president has behaved towards the flag himself? >> sure. you protest. you're right. you a first amendment. but as americans we also have a first amendment right. nobody else's rights are more important than any other american. and we have a right to get up and walk out of a game. we have a right to say that we believe something might be either anti-american or not democratic. and so we look at things through a certain prism. but again, the flag is something unites us, doesn't divide us. we're talking about the presidency and the vice presiden presidency. and over 240 years, we haven't treated it as such in that office. i understand protests. i understand that there is a way of doing things and that gets