narrator: whatever mark weinberger was doing in the office those days was also a mystery to employees like suzette dennington, weinberger's top medical assistant at the sinus clinic. he started being one of the first people to arrive in the office and one of the last people to leave every day. what was he doing in his office? i don't know. the door was closed. it was very quiet. we would have to knock on the door and let him know that there was another patient ready to be seen. he definitely withdrew. narrator: suzette says that wasn't the only strange thing going on that summer. suddenly shipments of camping gear began arriving at the weinberger clinic. one of his treatment rooms in one wing of the building that was full of camping equipment. i really don't see him as being much of a camper. he's more or four seasons hotel kind of guy. right. but he was almost frantically packing it up. what kinds of equipment did he have? there were several backpacks. there were just bags that were stuffed with things