the light, it's got a strip on it that says usa 5 on it. $1 bills don't have that strip. if anybody pays enough attention when they hold it up, the bar is still there. >> i don't know how to go out there and deal with life the way life really is. this is comfortable to me, unfortunately. but this isn't what i want. >> now word is getting around the jail of another sort of counterfeit. jonathan lacey was recently moved out of his housing unit for bullying other inmates. he was also making demeaning comments about sex offenders. that's not unusual in jail, but lacey has kept the secret of his own conviction of aggravated sexual battery of a minor. now the secret is out. >> he thinks he's hard. he got exposed. he's a child molester. the whole time he's been in here picking on people about messing with kids and the whole time he's a child molester the whole time, you know. >> brian is in lacey's former housing unit. he and lacey have mutual friends and acquaintances on the streets. he recently spoke to some. >> people spread rumors. people talk [ bleep ].

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