democrats. >> back to joe. i look at all these suburban districts like fitzpatrick, bucks county, i look at dover county, i go, whoa. how come all these suburban areas where they are pro-choice, and they are pro-gay rights, they're all moderate on social issues, are voting for -- you start, why are they voting for trump? these people are not right-wingers. >> i think i would be remiss to say he also honed in on racial resentment. and we look at what types of people voted for him. that also often falls along racial lines. and how people feel about other groups. and so you can't separate, i don't think, the economics of donald trump, which certainly promised to form a populism. but for that social rhetoric he homed in on, that's a key portion of why people voted for him. >> did he pick up on edge issues? >> yeah, he's still doing it. he sends out dog whistles to the republican base. he did that on puerto rico. he mentioned, well, they're not quite working on it. >> he worked las vegas a lot