but we should bear arms responsibility. >> the second amendment exists and there should not be any restrictions whatsoever on gun rights. there is always going to be bad people among us. there are always going to be murderers, rapists, always somebody out there who is going to abuse and hurt people. >> we're not in the enforcement business. we don't ask people about their licensing. if they show up at our range with an automatic weapon and they're safe and they demonstrate profficiency with it, we don't interfere with them. >> reporter: stephanie, there was a range of opinion. that's the message i was trying to get across. there are some people who say, hey, look, what happened in las vegas with these mass shootings is heinous and we have to figure out how to control those things, and the old adage that guns don't kill people, people kill people. >> ali, this is a complicated one. we're going to keep discussing it.