why is the nra so successful? why do they have so much money? the gop, as i go down the line name after name, they take loads of money from the nra. why is this our country? >> they take a lot of money from the nra, but that money primarily comes from grassroots donors. so while gun companies are putting a lot of money into the nra, the majority is from mom and pop donors who support gun rights. so you have an incredibly powerful voting constituency that their lobby is essentially the most effective grassroots lobby in the country. the nra was loyal early to donald trump. he, as a manhattanite, might have been for gun control. now he's completely in with the nra because he's seen what they can deliver. they gave him money and they deliver votes, too. >> all right. tolo, isn't this the perfect opportunity, i know i've said it before, for president trump to pivot? this seems like low-hanging fruit. these bump stocks, my gosh, to take a regular rifle and turn it