propaganda and become an echo chamber for them. >> all right, ali soufan, thank you so much. >> thank you, chris. >> we've been learning from eyewitnesses about those moments of terror and incredible heroic actions taken both by first responders, and just fellow concertgoers. i'm joined now by msnbc correspondent jacob soboroff who is with survivors. i heard so many stories of people acting in almost unfathomably courageous and selfless ways to get people out of harm's way. >> some of those folks are in this room, chris. i'm up above you, 19 floors above you off the street level inside the mandalay bay in a room here with a group of friends that was here for the concert, like so many other people. this is jamie. this is her sister, cindy, cindy's husband steve and their friend dale, a retired los angeles firefighter. i want to let everybody kind of share with us, chris, what they went through last night. the first thing i want to ask jamie, how are you all doing? you were down there with cindy