been an i'm on my way out, what we would see with a suicide operation, essentially. i'm going to play my last hands and then i'm going out on this very violent act against innocent people. >> i want to just apropos of this conversation bring in a gentleman who would be able to answer our questions. david shepherd, former executive director of security for the venetian resorted hotel and casino, also a former fbi s.w.a.t. team leader and ceo and chief preparedness officer at the readiness resource group. so, david, you've been there. would a guy age 64, otherwise unremarkable, checking in at the mandalay bay or its subsidiary floors, four seasons, who had the kind of standard rolling bag and, oh, by the way, a couple of very obviously gun cases and not violin cases, would that be any cause for alarm? >> well, we have several gun shows here in las vegas, at the

Related Keywords

People ,Suicide Operation ,Hands ,Fact ,Im On My Way Out ,Conversation ,Four Seasons Hotel ,Gentleman ,Fbi ,Security ,David Shepherd ,Chief Preparedness Officer ,Questions ,Casino ,Team Leader ,Ceo ,Venetian ,Readiness Resource Group ,Swat ,Mandalay Bay ,Subsidiary Floors ,Four ,64 ,Las Vegas ,Way ,Kind ,Cases ,Gun ,Gun Cases ,Couple ,Cause ,Bag ,Alarm ,Violin ,

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