that dominated hillary clinton. >> okay. we should point out then, in the spirit of to be fair, it's to be fair, other people were also exhibiting hypocritical behavior. not that if reince did it, it is okay. it is not okay across the board. >> correct. jared kushner was a top adviser to the president though. he's probably the most well-known official in the white house. his behavior kind of shows how close something like this could get to the president. >> josh, good to talk to you. thank you for your reporting. josh dawsey. >> thanks for having me. >> or the complaints we hear, reporting of those who said jared and ivanka don't follow protocol, behave like they're royals. maybe it is things like this. you go. >> go ahead. >> you. >> stand by. we'll go to capitol hill for an update on obamacare. republicans revised the latest led legislation to get key votes.