pragmatic government members. i applaud stephanie for being there, taking that leadership role. and we'll get through issues of daca and border security. but i think that's an area where there's a right to have a deal taken care of for the american people. >> just looking at the video we saw from the white house, it looks like you were seated next to him from the congresswoman one over, with that proximity has he changed at all. >> i was the first on the republican side to endorse him. i've spent time with him, campaigned with him. he's a fellow new yorker. and i've always appreciated what he brought to the table. that's what this town needs, someone who's not beholden to the extremes that are governed by the extreme sides of the left or the right. and it's about time we break this gridlock for washington, d.c. and get these people back home. >> let me ask the tougher question for the congresswoman. i've been back and followed it