tamara sat down with hillary clinton to discuss her memoir in an interview out today. more on that in a moment. steve, the better press secretaries have preprepared wording that you can follow their eyes and glance down at it and that was clearly the case today. clearly they were not going to take the high road and are still kind of relitigating the election as is hillary clinton. >> and we'll see if donald trump's twitter feed has more to say about the book in the days to come. of course, if he does, the more donald trump says, certainly the more he'll be helping her sell the books. i think we'll just be sort of back into that -- hadn't left it at all i guess, but back into that polarized atmosphere of 2016. i think, look, the reality here is it's unusual for a defeated presidential candidate to be writing a book like this so close to the election, but everything is unusual right now. about american politics. unusual for the president to be talking about his opponent this month eight, nine, ten months after the election. it's unusual for the whole country to be litigating it. in that sense, there's nothing unusual in the moment about