many of these are the moderates and it happens cycle after cycle. the moderates were the democrats that dropped out, too. and that ultimately ended up losing in 2010. and -- and it leads to this increasingly polarized congress where people are more concerned about primaries than they are about the general election. and that basically just leads to more of the conflict that, you know, voters left and right will say, we just want congress to do stuff. we want them to get things done, but the polarization makes that harder. >> tamara, a follow-up, does any of this faze donald trump? is he after dinner tonight in the white house up worrying about this or as a noninstitutionalist, is he going to take it as it comes? >> you know, he made that deal with the democrats and there's a lot of hand wringing about what it means but one thing it did was he he got something to happen. quickly. which is an indication that he is -- he's somebody who just