with all of the crews and our electrical story and assets to make sure to get power restored as quickly as we can. >> reporter: steve, are you from this area? >> i live a half mile from here on the river. >> reporter: have you ever seen this type of flooding before? >> the last time we saw this flooding was in 1846. the st. john's river is flooding near jacksonville. we are in the riverside neighborhood, a great community, a lot of parks. we are by memorial park. but yesterday the st. john's river was overflowing its banks and the floodwaters went up even two blocks from here. >> reporter: and you can see steve has his work cut out for him. that's kind of what we are beginning to see now, people are looking forward to those days ahead. we already had 350 rescues of people just here in the city of jacksonville. so we know that restructuring and recovery is right around the corner