high force winds. brian? >> there is that sound. for people who aren't familiar with it, it sounds a little bit like a teakettle. and would that it were something as innocuous as a teakettle. it's a terrible noise because it only happens at the upper levels of the incoming winds. catie, tell us about power. we'll let you go, but do you have power where you are? and is there power in the orlando metropolitan area? >> there is power at this point. the worst of this storm is believe it or not still yet to come for orlando. the strength that we will see later will happen between 12 and 2:00 a.m. we're told. and that is really going to be a critical window where we'll find out will all of these families that are hunkered down here be without power for the next few days. and that is still yet to be seen. but with the winds the way they are, it would seem likely. >> that's our own catie beck who by the way has spent a good part of her career doing investigative journalism and covering some very unsavory