it's been a long time, it's hard to know exactly what impact is going to be in this very populated city where there is a lot of development right on the water's edge. craig. >> all right. there in tampa for us, do appreciate you, sir. we'll come back to you in just a bit if we can. i need to get to former governor of florida, congressman on the phone now. congressman, where are you and what are conditions like? >> craig, i'm in st. petersburg, my hometown on the west coast of pinellas valley. i'm in a nonevacuation zone. the conditions are not bad. it's breezy, a little bit of rain. all in all it's not that bad but we know there's a lot more to come. >> do you get the sense that your constituents have prepared adequately since the storm shifted west? >> i think there's been an incredible amount of preparation, craig. from the state, the federal, the local level, people have really