it has only been a few days, people are already exhausted. you need to understand this is a long haul, everything needs to be done regarding housing, where people are at, getting back to work. getting local companies up to revenue basis for the cities, going to be a long haul, require focus and continued attention. best way to help, however, is support the salvation army and american red cross and put funds in their hands to make the decision on how best to use them. >> now we are watching another helicopter landing outside that hospital in beaumont, texas. that hospital of course cut off from water supplies. they're not as you can see flooded but the patients are not able to get care that they need, so they're being flown out, evacuated. national guard helicopters throughout the afternoon taking outpatients, some on dialysis, for example. want to thank all my guests who joined us. elise jordan, jennifer palmieri, admiral allen who spent the hour