the military spends five times more on viagra. trump himself has already spent three times more on going to mar-a-lago so there was not a cost issue or documented proof of kind of a readiness, proven readiness effect. >> all right, ladies. heidi, molly, thank you so much for giving us politics on this day. we've got a lot of hurricane harvey under way. for all of you, we'll have more on that. we're keeping our eye on austin, texas, where governor greg abbott will take to the podium and give us an update on the rescue efforts and stats from hurricane harvey, again, a category 4 hurricane slamming into that state last night. stay with us here on msnbc. ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.