journal," the dallas morning stars, plenty of respectable traditional conservative news outlets there, he is dependent upon breitbart news which is a race-baiting far right extremist organization. and the question is, who boxed the president in to this situation. was it steve bannon? did steve bannon show favoritism toward breitbart when he was in the white house when he knew that he was going to go back to breitbart because they had that arrangement. if so, there would be a violation of the conflict of interest statute. >> call it our regular ethics watch with our guest richard painter. suffice it to say, there are lawyers while we sleep looking into all of this and richard is one of them. counselor, thank you very much for joining us again tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, as we continue, donald trump's got 99 problems and mitch shouldn't be one but he is. and how do you think congress is going to take to trump's threat to shut down the government if he doesn't get the money he wants for the wall? that and more when we continue. build that wall.