job difference would be, if you have to speak for the administration, for the president, you better be careful, right? >> that's why i distinguish the white house. the white house is not involved in the substantive work of government. it is a policy and political office. appointees are appointed under a different statute giving the president complete latitude. these are people who are political operators, not career civil servants. they make the choice to be there. they own everything the president says. >> so they are part of his commentary or failure to comment correctly or honestly or morally about charlottesville and the nazis? >> yeah. >> they have that on their conscience. >> they do. they are whispering to reporters after criticizing the media for printing anonymous sources and now they are criticizing the president behind his back anonymously. frankly, i think that's disloyal to the president and if they feel that way they should quit. >> that's strong. here is what veterans affairs