president made his announcement. meanwhile, aetna's ceo in a memo to his employees said, "he is ashamed of our president's behavior and comments." tim cook of apple has announced his company will donate $1 million each to the southern poverty law center and the anti-defamation league and will match employee donations as well. in a memo to employees cook wrote, in part, "i disagree with the president and others who believe there is a moral ekwifl ens between white spremists and nazis and those who oppose them by standing up for human rights. regardless of your political views, we must all stand together on this one point, that we are all equal." >> as president trump's comments on charlottesville has put him on the outs with various business leaders, it brought him on social media snubs from military commanders and outrage from republican lawmakers. the subheadline in this morning's ""new york times"" says top advisors are numb. the article goes on to say "staffers also describe themselves as "stunned" and