nazis march through the streets, just on a human visceral level, how could they not have some reaction to that? >> i'll give you just reporting on all of this, you see the line in terms of the moral line is in very different places for different people in this administration. some stay because they want to achieve x goal on policy or y goal on policy. others say they think it's better for them to be there, they're a more stabilizing force than their colleagues. others say they don't want to see someone only lasted six months in an administration after leaving a big job or coming in and they think some of them do grapple day in, day out, with whether they should stay, but there's also an interesting element of fear, a lot of them do fear the idea that if they have some kind of stand against president trump, that he will go to war with them rhetorically, on twitter, and a lot of them at this point quietly slip away. >> they're scared of the