joy, welcome to your own home. >> thank you very much. >> we have to get your view on all this. how is this not viewed as domestic terrorism, and how is it possible that the white house does not jump out immediately and condemn what david duke said yesterday? >> i think that this white house would have no problem calling this terrorism if it had been a muslim driving a car into a group of people or a black person, somebody that they associate with black lives matter, they would immediately call it terrorism instantly. i think that is -- that would have been a slow pitch over home plate. but i think you have to realize when you look at donald trump responding to the incidents in charlottesville, what was he doing? reading. he was reading a response. you have to ask yourself, who was writing what he was reading. inside of his government are people like steven miller, advocates of ending legal immigration, of cutting it in half, people like michael anton who wrote about the ceaseless importation of third world