it's just so nutty. >> mark, shut we be surprised? it does sound like what donald trump was saying at the end of the campaign when he was trying to make the case for why he might lose. >> with all the speculation about the turmoil in the white house, the one person who has kept his job has been steve bannon. the deep state is part of the administrative state, and that's what he said he is there to undermine. it is this memo that's enabling trump's clinical narcissism, the whole world is against him, the bankers, meaning jews, the islamists, the deep state, meaning the cia, and everybody is in the marxist. nobody has ever accused any of these groups of people of working together before, but only in the administration of donald trump has this happened. last thimg i'll say, if you have that kind of turmoil at the national security agency, then how on earth is our national security in good shape when we're on the enl of a conflict with north korea? >> the national security council. really good point given what's going on in the world.