threatening. >> but you have secretary of defense jim mattis who looks to be trying to turn down the temperature overnight. he is talking about diplomacy. not about war. trying to pull back from the brink of that. i want to play for you what secretary mattis had to say and then we'll talk about it. >> my mission. my responsibility is to have military options, should they be needed. however, right now secretary tillerson, ambassador hallie, you can see the american effort is diplomatically led. it has diplomatic traction. it is gaining diplomatic results. >> margaret, you have secretary mattis talking about diplomacy. something we are not seeing from president trump himself. you have secretary tillerson on mattis' side, it seems. nikki haley going to bedminister today to meet with the president. do we know what she might say? >> nikki haley's role is interesting because she was able to hold this coalition over the weekend where china and russia