they are more prone to blame the senate for this than they are the president, in part, because the senate and mcconnell has been promising this for years, knowing full well this would be a tough task and trump, he is knew to this game. he did overpromise in this case. i think mcconnell will be okay eventually. he'll go down as a great tactician, and he was one vote away. remember. all his members were saying they hated this bill. they thought it was gross and toxic, and they were praying the house wouldn't pass it and he got 49 votes. that's an incredible feat. even though he came up short. >> thank you so much for your time tonight. sam has a 7-month-old at home, so he should be getting combat pay for working the night shift. >> i should. >> kelsey, you're young. you can do this. coming up, reaction to the news of the raid on the home of paul manafort when "the 11th hour" continues. ...positively radiant® 60 second in shower facial.