about my conversation with representative brenda lawrence just a few minutes ago. she said the number one issue that her constituents bring up is a sense of an unease, an instability that's being generated by this white house. how do you respond to that? >> well, i respond to it. i was very privileged to work along with kellyanne conway and everyone back to corey len do ski in and out of the trump towers and i can totally say i have total confidence. a lot of those folks in the administration are still my friends. i just want to say this for the record. there's absolute zero chaos in the white house whatsoever. i say that because i think it's unfair. i think it's very common for a lot of administrations to go through transitions with personnel. it's not uncommon. i weill tell you this. we've had a lot of cease firing going on with general maddox and general mcmasters who has been trying to put a plan together. we set a press debit ocedent ou.