law and federal constitutional law is that the government can do this. and we remember in the scooter libby investigation, judith miller from the "new york times" actually spent about three months in jail for refusing to give up sources. so if that's something that the doj wants to really aggressively try and pursue, i mean, they can. i think the costs would be in public opinion, and certainly political costs in congress. one result might be that congress will finally pass a federal journalists' shield law, which has been proposed many times over the past few years and has never quite made it into law. but if the government starts cracking down and really trying to go after journalists, we might see that. >> yeah. and we could also see a standoff in that case, dana. look. everybody knows the members of this administration have been leaking. they have been leaking about each other like crazy. the latest target seems to be the national security adviser, hr mcmaster. the daily caller has some unfriendly quotes in there from two former nsc aides, and no