of this dnc staff. >> an investigator now says seth rich was in contact with wikileaks before he was murdered. so, if that is true, and we don't know yet, it looks like russia didn't give it to wikileaks. it was seth rich programs. >> now, that story was eventually retracted by fox news. the the victim's family sent a cease and desist letter to the private investigator, a man by the name of rod wheeler. that appeared to be the end of it. part two, the private investigator rod kwheerl is now suing fox news. he said the reporter who filed the original story deliberately misquoted him to create a fake news story. the lawsuit alleges mr. wheeler's reputation is destroyed by defendants' decision to did he fame him. but it's another claim that wheeler is making that's getting the attention today. that the white house and he had bow to you ski under the met work to publish the story in