>> i would encourage any one of my colleagues who is a republican now with a republican president or if it was a democratic colleague with a democratic president not just speaking out when there's something you support, whether it's policies or statements being made but also when there's something that you disagree with, especially something important to your district and state and country. >> but donaald trump jr. may hae said he wished he handled things differently but the president of the united states hasn't said that. we look at the "washington post" piece with the president dictating basically that false it was all about the orphans narrative, are you giving credit, are you going to believe that general kelly is going to be there and clean house? clean house under a president who doesn't want it to be cleaned up. >> first off, buried deep in the "washington post" story was a line that "washington post" acknowledging that they don't -- it's unclear as to what president trump knew about the trump jr. meeting at the time of