many of the components of the health care bill require 60 votes. does he'll stake with it mean he's not going for the nuclear option? he just tweeted about it today. >> it's interesting to see this continuing on with health care and the push after friday's largely embarrassing defeat for the trump administration to see three republicans vote against this measure, and to see after seven years republicans have called on repealing obamacare, this has been in town halls, on the campaign throughout 2016. president trump was on the trail saying, hey, repeal this, and to see that defeat on friday, it was an embarrassing defeat for the administration. people inside the administration would say that. and now they are moving forward with it. will republicans change their votes? it remains unseen, but one of the things republicans and democrats don't want to rush this and seems this administration really wants to rush this repeal effort through and it just doesn't seem to be gaining traction. >> i think within a 24-hour span