him just a few days after the election where he was a very different president-elect trump than he is now. and we all know he was -- he talked about it's time to let it go. the clintons have suffered enough. it was quite striking when he said that at the time. he went in to the times in new york. and in that interview he was also very easy going, very open-minded about a lot of issues, and we know that he often plays to an audience, and i think in this case looking back, and we thought it at the time, he was trying to please his audience, and he certainly changed. and i do think that -- that he's angry now about the russia investigation. he can't shake it no matter what he does. it doesn't go away. it gets worse and worse for him. i think there's a certain amount of frustration when he wakes up in the morning and starts tweeting. >> joe? >> let's go to gene robinson and