doesn't mean he doesn't have any russian financing. it just means the business wouldn't necessarily fall apart if the russian financing went away. >> that's an interesting point, the word rely, as an editor in chief. michael, i'll have you back if you'll join us. nick and elizabeth and michael, appreciate it. thank you for joining me. >> great to be on your very first show. >> awesome. i appreciate it. now, senator, you heard this. today kushner saying he hopes the information he's provided on the russia meetings will put these matters, quote, to rest. in your view did he put these matters to rest today? >> i wasn't in the hearing, but there is certainly not to rest. i'm one of those people that finds this astonishing that the folks who were the recipients of that e-mail and who attended that meeting wouldn't have understood that this is a serious violation of united states laws. they were seeking to collude, the russians, foreign agents