terry mcauliffe and a long time confidant of the clinton family. he said the president replied that he would love to hear ideas from him. another state worth watching is texas as the new yorker magazine reported this month. texas has the highest rate of uninsured people in the country and it is home to one fifth of america's uninsured children. texas democratic congressman mark feesy joining us now. thank you for coming into house here today at 30 rock. tell us about your district. you heard some of the reflections, some of the stata coming out of the texas but your district is special. >> absolutely. i get this very well. i have the highest uninsured rate out of any congressional district in the entire country according to the 2010 census. and so this issue about what is going to happen to the affordable care act is of particular interest to me. particularly when you look in the dallas area. there is so many people that don't have insurance. i have a very large undocumented