on is on leader mcconnell but a lot is on the president even though he wasn't deeply involved in the arm wringing when he was trying to get it through the house. he did step on his own message with in russia investigation cloudy everything. and when mcconnell did think he could get a deal by having the president be the first one to float on twitter in idea of well let's just repeal now and deal with the replacement later. let's sort of get in repeal in which i think was not particularly helpful in that moment when he was trying to whip votes. >> ashley in real world terms what does this do to the view in washington which is everything of the president's perceived or real clout or lack there of? >> well that's the key issue which is what president has understood intrinsically is that he needs wins. you saw that even with the house health care bill as john mentioned the president turned out later thought it was a mean bill but what he desperate wanted in that moment was a win