supporters out of it. let me ask you to try to get to the middle of the electorate, i think what is clear, as this whole russia thing is played out. there is a large chunk of voters out there, i don't know what you want to call them, die hard democrats, they never liked trump. they really like hillary. they have been keyed in, from the beginning, when you get beyond that world the people invested in it from the very beginning and anti-trump, voters in the middle, the mushy middle out there do you sense this issue is penetrating to that level or when you ask those voters about russia, do they shrug? >> well, i haven't seen a pom, but certainly in conversation it seems like they're beginning to i think what they worry about is the lack of transparency. if this is draining the swamp. >> that implies you will tell the truth, get the facts out there where everyone can see them. we keep hearing this stuff that, you know the one thing about him coming into the story, it's