live with that now because you sweetened the pot on opioids. it's just not how it works. and the reality is this thing has a cost to it beyond just the dollars. it is how many people are actually going to wind upkeeping their health care when it's all said and done, and i don't think the republicans still have an answer for that. >> if rand paul is sitting on principle and he's not going to shift, is there enough juice to get those moderates onboard? >> no way, not with this bill the way it is. i'm really watching rob portman on this. west virginia is on the front lands. these states that expand in medicaid, there are 170,000 people in west virginia that are on the affordable care act, 50,000 of those people have drug abuse issues. you cannot almost sweeten that opioid pot enough. look, these cuts to medicaid are devastating and they're devastating to the people most at risk here, the elderly, poor children, poor families, poor women who are raising their children. this is a real issue. it is politically toxic, only 20% people support this bill. it's got an 80/20, that makes it almost impossible for them to go