that allowed isis to get in there. iraq's post saddam government is a failure. >> well, iraq's prime minister has been doing all the right things the last year and half. he has had good relations with people in the country. he seems to be trusted across all sects. and nationalities inside iraq. he is doing well. that said, iraq still has a lot of problems. but at the same time, we should stop and really celebrate this. this is a big deal for iraq. this is a big deal for the iraqi army. yes, there's a lot still to be done. but let's take a day or two and let them celebrate. this is important. >> and the second biggest deal, too, when syrian forces of some sort, not obviously government forces, but someone takes raqqa, isis's capital, then for all intents and purposes the caliphate is done. >> that's right. there are still places in iraq that need to be liberated. a city to mosul's west will be