great, that's fantastic. >> yeah, no. it's not. it's not. but it is important to talk about it and address it, and all the talk about it in the last week, you know, i think it's going to challenge the powers that be and this is a good thing. >> what's one of the solutions here, melissa? >> well, i think one of the solutions is actually paying people equally. i mean, we shouldn't have to be fighting. like, the fact that they, cbs, said they had given them a substantiative raise means that they were paying them so much less, and the fact that emma stone's co-stars need to take pay cuts, why aren't they just paying people equally? this is about the value that we put on people, and right now we're valuing white and male much higher than anybody else. >> so you've made the change here, brian, where you shifted over to being the decision maker. you're now executive producing pieces. is that part of the solution, to move into, if you will, the driver's seat? >> absolutely. i think it's really on us to