i'm john joined by bob engel. thank you for joining us. i want to hear about the governor's reaction last night and then we'll talk. >> okay. >> now, if they had flown that plane over that beach, and i was sitting in e to a 25-year-old blonde in that beach chair next to me, that's the story. i wasn't sitting next to a 25-year-old blonde. i was sitting next to my wife of 31 years, surrounded by my children and some of their best friends. if that's a scandal, that's a scandal i'm guilty of every day of my life. >> we have been joking a lot about this because in a way it was funny seeing the pictures of them on the beach, when the beaches were closed and his reaction to it. but a lot of people were affected by the closures and upset about it. but that right there, that was classic christie, give us some context. we know that christie has a low rating in new jersey before this incident. how are people reacting to this