re-entry and how good is their aim? you remember that may 14th launch, that missile didn't have fins up on the front of its nose. which doesn't give it a whole lot of directional maneuverability when it is coming back down. it is not to say it can't cause damage, but they don't have exact aim on it and that's another thing that they'll be assessing at the pentagon overnight and in hawaii in the next coming hours. >> what are you hearing about the options here that the military could have to counter this aggression? >> all of the options they have would lead to such high civilian loss of life, the pentagon officials are frankly uncomfortable about them. they don't talk about them publicly. obviously their contemplating them. you look at the amount of artillery north korea has on the 48th parallel, a lot of it is mobile artillery, before you can take the pieces out, north korea could cause a lot of damage on the city of seoul, 40 million people there. within artillery range, there is the u.s. troops there, some 28,000, but there are also 300,000 americans.