last year. >> it was just heartbreaking to see your child like that. >> reporter: sparklers in the hands of children are often the most dangerous burning hot enough to melt metal. the clothing has ignited which can result in very serious burns to the upper body, the airway, the face. >> reporter: the expert advice tonight, forget the backyard fireworks and consider leaving it to the pros. tom costello, nbc news, fairfax, virginia. now let's head over to meteorologist bonny schneider with your holiday forecast. how is it looking? >> good morning. we are looking at nice weather with a couple of exceptions. we do have some rain in the mid-south for today and even for tomorrow as those storms push further to the east, we'll see them into ohio and the carolinas. but for the fireworks display tonight in new york city really looks nice, 79 degrees. we have much clear skies really, so mainly clear, and i think we'll see comfortable temperatures. elsewhere across the country the heat will build out to the west

Related Keywords

Reporter ,Children ,Burns ,Child ,Hands ,Clothing ,Metal ,Which ,Sparklers ,Face ,Backyard Fireworks ,Nbc News ,Fairfax County ,Airway ,Body ,Pros ,Advice ,Tom Costello ,Virginia ,Mid South ,Ohio ,Holiday Forecast ,Couple ,Weather ,Exceptions ,Least ,Rain ,Storms Push ,Fireworks ,Country ,New York City ,Temperatures ,West ,Elsewhere ,Skies ,Heat ,Carolinas ,79 ,

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