but the prosecution decided to pursue a third trial. soon, a state judge will decide either to let the trial take place or to grant keenan's motion to dismiss the charges for good. >> so third trial, death is still on the table. >> right. their plan is to convict me and sentence me to death again. this is the prosecutor's case against me. now, i don't understand where they come up with 17,000 pages. but i know they don't have any evidence, because they didn't have any evidence on my co-defendant. he's been free and clear for two and a half years. 222 witnesses now for a case that's 23 years old. means they're taking people out of graveyards. it's all smoke and mirrors. >> with the judge's decision due in just days, keenan not only believes he will prevail, he has already made plans for life on the outside. but now he's received some bad news. >> the judge, bless his little soul, moved the trial from september 24th to october 31st.