brass to reload it. i think the smell of gun powder made me like it a lot or something. >> kerry says he had been manufacturing his own hunting guns for years. >> they are called home grown guns and you can legally make one for yourself. you just have -- you can't sell them. that's where i went wrong. >> kerry says he became financially stressed when he and his pregnant wife separated with three other children to support. he says a friend put him in touch with somebody willing to buy his guns. >> i was looking for a way out to feed my kids and to survive. >> you knew it was illegal, right? >> yeah, i did know it was illegal. i did. my back was against the wall. i just figured i would do it just to get back on my feet again until i could getworking. i said, well, i'll do . so i met with him and i sold him one. and he's like, well now i want another one to go with it so i have different calibers.