>> but that's true. >> hold on. you're basically saying if people can buy more junk insurance, insurance that really doesn't cover much, insurance that has low premiums but -- >> insurance that covers the things they want. >> that are basic things. and most people like the services that they're getting under obamacare, the free mammograms, et cetera -- >> i think most people want to pick the services they get, not have the federal government -- >> would they also pick to be uninsured? because you keep on saying that people would voluntarily disenroll from insurance. and there's no -- would you voluntarily disenroll from insurance? >> i didn't say that. the cbo said it. >> no, the cbo said they would lose insurance. said very specifically they would lose insurance. >> they said a few million would voluntarily leave -- >> lose their insurance. and the only people who would voluntarily dis-enroll and the only people who actually again get lower premiums are people who don't want to pay the penalty under obamacare and therefore disenroll because they didn't want to buy insurance. that's a tiny fraction of the american people. of that 10 million you're talking about maybe a couple of million people. and then it also says at the same time that when you take away the subsidies from people