maine that spent last week going to every single congressional district office that susan collins had. they only had five of the six covered. so one of the groups drove four hours to drive to the caribou office. they did a sit-in there. drove back the next four hours. then they went to their weekly indevisable meeting to do more. she announced she was against the bill. this is working because people are standing up. >> when we look at the short history, this phenomenal growth of the group that you've been part of and you helped start as a staffer, the growth of your organization and the visibility of the protests is something that is remarkable and it is easy to track. your track record on the aca, however, was that i think that the work that you guys did slowed the republicans' effort to pass it in the house. in march, they put it up for a vote. it didn't pass. in april, they tried to bring it back, it didn't pass.