were able to offer tax credits that allow people that aren't on group plans to buy coverage in a competitive environment, that they're going to have terms and deductibles that are reasonable for them. that's what the free market should do. >> right. the cbo says that the majority of folks will pay more out of pocket for health care if this bill is bapassed. >> well -- sorry. >> that is not what the president of the united states promised people. >> yeah, but the cbo is nothing but a bunch of voodoo economics. look how wrong they were on the number of folks that were going to be covered under obamacare. they missed it by 120%. they said we were going to be growing over 3% for the past 6 years and we haven't -- >> i want to be clear here, it seems like lthere's a tension between the arguments made for the bill. tom price appointed the than who runs the cbo. i imagine you think he isn't a shil, you think they're getting it wrong, right? >> what i've been led to understand, "the wall street journal"'s written about this, peter orszag, when head of omb, devised a model and the model is a status model that doesn't give credit for any modification of