i don't know what that means, and by the way, neil gorsuch who i did not support as a supreme court justice, he's joined two of the most conservative justices, clarence thomas and al lito and the court to take the position that the entire injunction should have been lifted. this is like the three horsemen of the apocalypse, they're waiting for the fourth one to come along so they can go on their trend to what i call our extremism. and that's exactly not surprised at all that neil gorsuch is right in there with thomas alito pretty much telling the president, you go right ahead, impose a muslim ban, i'm glad the other justices are not there quite yet. >> thank you so much, thanks for being with us and good luck with your treatment in the coming days and weeks. >> thank you so much. >> and coming up, on the front lines in the overdose capital of america, what is at stake in the health care battle,