bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. and a very good sunday for you, i'm richard lui in new york city. thanks for joining us. this is going to be a critical week in the health care showdown. republican senators unveiling the version of the health care bill on thursday and both sides of the political aisle criticizing that piece of legislation. majority leader mitch mcconnell says he wants a vote by the end of the this week. this as four republican senators released a joint statement saying this, "we are not ready to vote for this bill." >> i think there's a bill that all 52 republicans agree on if they keep narrowing the focus. they've promised too much. they say they are going to fix health care and premiums are going to go down. there's no way the republican bill brings down premiums. it's a foolish notion to promise